In 2018, we marked another important step forward in FEMSA’s evolution as an organization that creates value for all stakeholders. After thorough self-reflection and analysis, we have reviewed and adapted the FEMSA Corporate Identity model, which reflects our culture and purpose. This model also clarifies for us, and for all our stakeholders, FEMSA’s mission, vision and set of shared corporate values that guide this collective mindset and strategic approach toward long-term success. In short, our mission is to generate economic and social value– a premise that is at the heart of the entire business.
We view these social and economic drivers of value creation as two sides of the same coin, closely linked and mutually reinforcing. FEMSA is committed to shared corporate values that provides the blueprint for how we will succeed in achieving our mission across the organization.
It is in this spirit that our 2018 integrated Annual Report highlights how we are working to stay true to the organization’s mission, activate our vision and live the shared values as one, unified team. We seek to disclose the progress we have made this year on both sustainability and financial performance.